PROGRAMME OUTLINE 26th to 30th October MONDAY, 26TH OCTOBER 2015 Registration and Welcome 15H00 - 17H00: Conference Registration / Sponsors Stalls Spotlights 18H30 - 20H30: Opening Night Welcome Reception TUESDAY, 27TH OCTOBER 2015 Opening Plenary 09H00 - 9H15: Welcome Address09H15 - 09H30: The PPP Landscape in Ghana 09H30 - 09H45: Policies and the future prospects for PPP’s 09H45 - 10H00: Presentation of Pipeline PPP Opportunities10H00 – 10H05: Musical Interlude/Cultural Display10H00 - 10H15: Key Note Address, Regional Minister10H15 - 10H30: Vote of Thanks10H30 - 11H00: Coffee / Tea Break PART I: DEVELOPING, DESIGNING & DELIVERING PPP PROJECTS (“The 3D’s”) 11H00 – 12H30: Project Identification, Structuring & Feasibility Studies of Bankable PPP Projects • Ascertaining viable local opportunities as PPP Projects • PPP Project flow & Lifecycle 12H30 - 13H30: Lunch PART II: INTERACTIVE BREAK-UP SESSIONS 14H00 - 15H30: FOCUS – “The 3D’s”15H30 - 16H00: Coffee / Tea Break PART III: PLENARY SESSION 16H00 - 17H00: Presentations, Discussions and Q & A WEDNESDAY, 28TH OCTOBER 2015 08H30 - 9H00: Recap of Salient Points Drawn from Day 1 Presentations & DiscussionsPART I: FINANCING PPP PROJECTS – ALTERNATIVE FINANCING STRUCTURES 09H00 – 10H30: Mobilization of Resources and Financing for PPP Projects • Sources of Financing – Local vs International• Financing Instruments – Debt vs Equity• Concession arrangements – BOT, BOOT, BOO, LDBMT...etc. 10H30 - 11H00: Coffee / Tea Break PART II: PROCUREMENT & LEGAL TOOLKIT FOR BANKABLE PPPs 11H00 - 12H30: Procurement, Policy & Legal Framework • Bidding – Steps, Evaluation and Selection• PPP contract and Financial close• Contract Management• Dispute Resolution 12H30 - 13H30: Lunch PART III: INTERACTIVE BREAK-UP SESSIONS 14H00 – 16H00: FOCUS: Procurement & Legal Toolkit for Bankable PPPs THURSDAY, 29TH OCTOBER 2015 08H30 - 9H00: Recap of Salient Points Drawn from Day 2 Presentations & DiscussionsPART I: PRESENTATION ON CASE STUDIES 09H00 - 10H30: Presentations from delegates of various Case Study groups 10H30 - 11H00: Coffee / Tea Break PART II: CASE-STUDIES AND GLOBAL SUCCESS STORIES 11H00 - 11H45: International Best Practices and Success Stories11H45 - 12H30: Ghanaian Case Study: How we did it - MTBS (Construction of the Tema Port)12H30 - 13H30: Lunch PART III: OPEN FORUM 14H00 – 15H30: Open Forum (Questions, Suggestions & Discussions) Networking Dinner 18H30 - 19H00: Cocktail19H00 – 19H30: Key Note Addresses19H30 – 20H30: Dinner 20H30 – 21H30: Presentation of Prizes and Certificates 21H30 onwards: Networking & Dance FRIDAY, 30TH OCTOBER 2015 09H00 – 12H30: Site Visits & Study Tours12H30 – 13H30 Lunch Departure